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what type of vinyl to use on canvas

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Have you been wondering how to get vinyl to stick to canvas? It tin exist tricky!  In this post I volition show you the tips and tricks I use to go vinyl to stick to canvas to create cute signs.

I just used these techniques concluding weekend while I was making a canvas for Easter.  I applied the vinyl showtime and then painted the background.  Here's a piddling preview.

vinyl cross and letters on canvas with painted background

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Allow'due south become to information technology and see how to get vinyl to stick to sheet.

Tips and Tricks to get Vinyl to Stick to Canvas

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Getting Vinyl to Stick to Sail


  • Canvas (Hither's a peachy deal on Amazon)
  • Oracle 651 Vinyl
  • Paint, Spray Adhesive, OR Mod Podge
  • A Difficult Dorsum Volume
  • Scraper, Former Credit Card OR Tennis Ball
  • Your pattern set up for transfer (Y'all tin utilize mine too.  It's located in my Gratuitous Resource Library meet how at the lesser of the post.)

different colors of oracle 651 vinyl sheets

Let's talk well-nigh the vinyl starting time.  Be certain to utilize Oracle 651 vinyl.   This is a permanent agglutinative vinyl and it really works the best for sticking to canvas or wood.   Oracle 651 comes in a variety of colors, including glitter, so yous volition have lots of options with your design.

If you need more help with vinyl types, run across my vinyl guide here.

Prepping the Sheet

Canvass is not a smooth surface.  This is what makes it a bit of a challenge to become vinyl to stick to it.  In social club to gainsay that, nosotros need to prep the surface of the canvas to make it smoother for vinyl adhesion.

There are three unlike methods you tin use to do this.

The first way you tin can prep your canvas is by painting information technology.  If you wanted to modify the background color anyway, this is probably your best bet.

If you don't want to paint, spray agglutinative is your next pick.Simply spray the unabridged surface of the canvas with your spray adhesive and let dry out.   After the adhesive is dry it will not experience glutinous, but it adds a blanket to the canvas to get that vinyl to stick better.

The third option is to apply mod podge.   Utilize mod podge to your entire canvas and let dry out.

I have tried all iii, but mod podge is what I use about oft.  I ever accept it on manus, and I don't take to go outside to spray anything.

prepping your canvas with modge podge to get vinyl to stick

Applying the Vinyl to the Sheet

Now that your canvas is prepped, we are gear up to stick on the vinyl.

I practice desire to mention transfer newspaper really quick.  I prefer to use clear contact paper to transfer my vinyl. Some of the transfer newspaper brands are entirely too sticky.  The merely exception to this is when you are using glitter vinyl, it needs a super sticky transfer newspaper.

Tip: Before you apply the contact paper to your vinyl, stick information technology to your clothes a few times to reduce the stickiness even more.

Centering your vinyl design onto a canvas and burnishing it down

Before y'all put your vinyl design onto the sail, grab a large hardback book.

One of the difficulties with getting the vinyl to stick is the canvas does non have a hard surface.  We will be using a lot of pressure level burnishing the vinyl.   Placing a difficult volume nether the canvas volition give us the perfect firm surface we need.

Next, line upwardly your design how y'all want information technology. Start at the centre of your vinyl transfer and scrape out to the edges to preclude bubbles.

Now we really need to rub (also chosen burnishing) that vinyl onto the canvas.  Yous tin employ your Cricut scraper, an old credit card, or fifty-fifty a tennis ball works really well (apply house pressure while rolling it over your blueprint)

Later on you've rubbed until yous can't rub anymore, information technology's time to skin back the transfer paper.

Peeling back the transfer paper after the vinyl is stick to the canvas

Peel the paper back slowly at an bending.  Your vinyl should be stuck without whatever problems!

Tips and Tricks if the Vinyl Even so Won't Stick

Every once in a while you will get a pain in the butt expanse.  Maybe our base wasn't applied plenty in that surface area, or we didn't rub quite difficult enough there.

vinyl letters not sticking to the canvas when transfer paper is pulled up

If this happens to you, lay the transfer paper back downward in that spot and rub really hard over that letter of the alphabet over again.  Most of the fourth dimension it will stick after that.

There are some fonts that stick improve than others.  The thick fonts that have more than surface surface area will be easier to transfer.

The really sparse, oft the script fonts can be more difficult.

The script on this project did pretty decent.  At that place was one area that decided to be a hurting though.

using a cricut weeding tool to stick vinyl letters to canvas

And that was the sparse petty 'I' in Risen.  If you encounter a thin letter that wants to come upwards with the transfer newspaper no matter how many times y'all rub, try using your Cricut Weeding Hook.

Use the hook to concur downwards the letter while pulling the transfer newspaper away.   Press downwards on the vinyl alphabetic character with your finger after the transfer newspaper is off.  The letter will stick fine after that.

Should I Seal the Vinyl Letters Afterward They Are Transferred?

I do not seal my vinyl letters because Oracle recommends that you do not.  It can misconstrue and damage the vinyl.

That said I know plenty of people who do apply mod podge or polyacrylic over the vinyl letters without any problems.  Only know information technology'southward non recommended by the manufacturer.

So you lot see getting vinyl to stick to sheet doesn't have to exist frustrating at all!  But remember to prep your canvas, and use a hard volume so you can apply business firm pressure while burnishing.  And if you do run into stubborn areas, now you know the tricks to work past them.

Hither's the picture show over again of my finished production. The vinyl transferred beautifully and will remain that fashion for many years to come.

How to get vinyl to stick to canvas Cricut project idea #cricuttutorial #cricutproject

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